Welcome to oc666 zone. I hope the nickname didn't deter you. The number 666 as always haunt me and the two letters are initials of my full name.


About me

I'm 29 years old and programming since I was 14. I'm programming in Zend Framework and PHP programming languages with MySQL and MsSQL databases. As part of my experience  I learned to programming in ASP, VB, PHP, Joomla, Drupal and today I'm specializing in PHP Frameworks. Currently, I'm working in Sergata LTD as Team Leader, my responsibility among others is to implements start-ups such as GoodyTAG & Tucoola. Additionally, I'm the Team Leader which develop and maintain of Cafe TheMarker site.

I've great experience with Linux operating system - Server & Desktop. I'm specialized with the whole architecture, including kernel optimization, web server configuration, database storage and Internet services.

About the blog

The blog was opened on January 4, 2009 and it based on Wordpress which on LAMP technology. I hope to share with you some of my knowledge which accumulated from my job and my personal life.
The main subjects of my blog are Linux, Open Source, Free Software, Programming and more.

Contact me

If you have a question, please, contact me by mail. Also , you can write comments on each post I published.

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